I do most of my weekly grocery shopping at Lidl and then go to a second grocery store each week. Lidl’s prices are great, but the selection is limited so you won’t be able to get everything on your list there. I try to split my grocery shopping into two days so I don’t spend a ton of time doing housework.
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I don’t like paying more than I have to for food, so I have a habit of shopping at two grocery stores each week.
One of them is most often the discount grocery store Lidl. Because that’s where I always find the lowest prices. It would be nice if you could get everything there, but you might not have everything you need.
Lidl keeps its prices low by mainly stocking private label products and not offering a large variety of products.
Your local big chain grocery store might have over 50 varieties of cereal, but Lidl only has a few. My local Lidl only has one type of iced coffee, which is a staple on my grocery list, but my husband doesn’t care.
For me, it’s easier to be happy with the coffee that Lidl carries or choose from the cereals available, but I prefer to go to another store afterwards to save money and get what I really want. is.
Shopping at two grocery stores a week seems like a lot, but I like to get the best of both worlds. I save money whenever possible and don’t have to settle for brands I can’t live without.
First, buy the more basic groceries on your list at Lidl.
I found one reasonably priced at my local Lidl. Elliot Harrell
I know Lidl doesn’t check everything off my list, but I save money by going to Lidl first and getting as many items as possible.
I can usually find 70%-80% of my groceries at Lidl, and the rest at larger chains like Wegmans and Publix.
Discount grocery stores are very reliable places to get common baking and cooking ingredients, basic produce, protein, dairy products, canned goods, and more. Many of these items are also cheaper at Lidl.
On a recent trip, store brand Dijon mustard was $1.45 at Lidl and $2.49 at Wegmans. A pack of store brand taco seasoning from Lidl is also about a third cheaper than Wegmans.
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Hopefully I’ll get everything I need at my local Lidl, but for less common ingredients, herbs other than parsley and coriander, and brand favorites, I have to go elsewhere I know.
Two trips isn’t efficient, but I’ve found some ways to optimize it
I like Lidl’s private label taco seasoning. Elliot Harrell
I usually do most of my grocery shopping at Lidl on Saturday and buy anything I can’t find at another store on Sunday.
Breaking up your trip makes it seem less like a chore and gives you time to check if you forgot anything on your list. If I’m shopping at two grocery stores on the same day, I’ll go to the one on the way home from Lidl to make it more efficient, even if it’s not my favorite.
Before you go to the second store, rewrite your grocery list so it’s very clear and only includes what you’re buying. It is also important to follow this list. I don’t spend time in the store looking for items that aren’t on the list.
What works for me may not be ideal for everyone. If you’re more limited by time than money, or if you don’t live near multiple chain stores, going to multiple grocery stores per week may not make sense.
But for me, it’s worth the little extra time. I think I can save about $20-30 a week on groceries by making two trips.