Below is a list of all residential moves in Medina County reported from September 23rd to September 29th. There were 7 transactions posted during this period. The median sales price in this area during this period was for a 1,536 square foot home on Dorchester Drive, Brunswick, which sold for $241,900.
1564 Andrea Drive, Brunswick, $167,000, 925 square feet, $181 per square foot, 3 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms.
1621 Dorchester Drive, Brunswick, $241,900, 1,536 square feet, $157 per square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
chatham township
8466 Chatham Road, Chatham Township, $400,000, 1,612 square feet, $248 per square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
liverpool township
6429 S. Rim Circle, Liverpool Township, $710,000, 3,152 square feet, $225 per square foot, 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms.
9368 Towpath Trail, Seville, $317,000, 1,484 square feet, $214 per square foot, 2 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms.
381 Rosalind Ave., Wadsworth, $217,000, 1,100 square feet, $197 per square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
westfield center
8986 Hillcrest Drive, Westfield Center, $205,000, 1,092 square feet, $188 per square foot, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms.
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