Acrisure Re has appointed Peter Sharpe as the new head of its specialist reinsurance team based in London. He was an executive director at Gallagher Lee. Trawick International has announced the following personnel.
Yirka Marban – Director of Human Resources Brent Judge – Vice President of Corporate Sales and Distribution
Westfield announced the following personnel.
Joe Corman – Chief Operating Officer Rob Rooney – Chief Financial Officer
Charles Taylor has appointed Robert Paxton as the new managing director of its Canadian operations. He has worked at a major Canadian law firm and as a management consultant for global organizations, focusing on corporate strategy, operational improvement, and innovation. Allianz Commercial announced that Priscilla Pazmino Vitella has joined the company as Head of Natural Resources Hub for the Americas. She held various senior underwriting positions at AIG. Yanmar Marine International BV has appointed Wouter-Jan van Der Wurff as Chief Executive Officer. He served as CEO of Cable Connectivity Group. The National Association of Professional Insurance Agents has appointed Ariel Rivera as its president. He is the Business Development Director for RGS Limited. Aon announced the following personnel changes.
Anna Digel – Chief Mediation Officer Colin Briney – Co-Leader Joe Reynolds – Co-Leader Kaylee Trocchia – East Region Leader Jay Sherwin – Mountain West Leader
Ryan Specialty Holdings, Inc. has announced the following personnel.
Lana Yankovic – Senior Vice President, Chief Audit and Risk Officer Mike Schultz – Senior Vice President Mike Benvenuto – Senior Vice President, Chief Procurement Officer
Mosaic Insurance has appointed Francesca Haaland as its new global head of professional liability. She worked as an underwriter for Pembroke Syndicate 4000. IMA Financial Group has appointed Renee Stock to the board of directors of TechAssure. She has 25 years of experience in the insurance industry with a focus on global technology companies. Mr. Marker announced the following personnel.
Lauren Percival – Underwriter – General Liability James Murray – Head of General Liability Olivia Hogan – Senior Underwriter Ed Norman – International Claims Manager
Starwind Specialty Insurance Services has appointed Kirk Conrad as chief underwriting officer. He previously served as global head of analytics at a large reinsurance brokerage firm. Coalition has appointed Tine Simonsen as head of insurance for continental Europe. He has worked as a specialist in the financial and cyber insurance fields. Related: People making moves in the property/casualty insurance industry: September 27, 2024