More than $4,500 in unclaimed property has been returned to Little League Baseball, according to Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacey Garrity, Sen. Gene Yaw (R-23), and Rep. Jamie Frick (R-83). . The fund, totaling $4,549.95, is comprised of six individual properties with prices ranging from $4.35 to $3,184. Assets returned include funds from refunds, rebates, and accounts payable checks.
Based in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, Little League Baseball has been an integral part of the community since its founding in 1939. Little League Senior Vice President and Chief Legal Officer Joy Reynolds McCoy expressed gratitude for the return of these funds and said they will continue to do so. Support local leagues and provide opportunities for children.
State law requires businesses to report unclaimed property to the Pennsylvania Department of Treasury after three years of inactivity. The Treasury Department stores tangible unclaimed property for approximately three years before auctioning it, and the proceeds are held indefinitely for owners to claim.
Treasurer Garrity emphasized the importance of identifying unclaimed assets and encouraged non-profit organizations to identify any unclaimed funds. More than $4.5 billion in unclaimed property is currently sitting in the Treasury Department, and more than 1 in 10 Pennsylvanians may have a claim.
For more information about unclaimed property, visit