FLOYD COUNTY, Ky. (WYMT) – Judge Eddie Coleman denied MK McKinney’s request to reduce his bail.
MK McKinney was charged with eight counts of conspiracy to commit the murder of Amber Spradlin and tampering with physical evidence.
McKinney’s lawyers recently filed a motion to reduce his bail, arguing that McKinney is not a flight risk and that $5 million bail is too high.
Commonwealth’s Attorney Brent Turner later said that evidence collected by investigators “strongly implicates defendant MK McKinney in the murder of Amber Spradlin.”
Mr McKinney’s motion to reduce his sentence was heard in court on Thursday, and Judge Eddie Coleman said he would issue a ruling over the weekend. Coleman denied a request for a bail reduction on Monday, according to court documents.
“Murder, with or without the death penalty, is a capital crime and is the most serious crime category in this Commonwealth,” Judge Coleman wrote in his ruling. “It is the finding of this court that the current bail set by the court is reasonable in light of the allegations advanced by the parties and supported by the evidence in the brief, and therefore, defendants seeking bail reduction The motion is dismissed.”
Dr. Michael McKinney and Josh Mullins were also each charged with eight counts of conspiracy to tamper with physical evidence.
No trial date has been set, but the three are scheduled to appear in court again on February 27th at 2pm.
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