Recent headlines claim that a particular $2 bill could be worth thousands of dollars. FOX43 finds out what it will take to get that cash.
YORK, Pa. — How much is a two dollar bill really worth?
Many of us keep that $2 bill somewhere in our homes. Because, I don’t really know why, but someone, somewhere, told me that this is something special. Lately, there’s been some talk online about how a $2 bill you’ve saved up somewhere could be worth thousands of dollars.
FOX43 Finds Out submitted several invoices to experts to see if they could be more cost-effective.
Michael Steinmetz, vice president of Steinmetz Coins and Currency, said people always come to his coin and currency store in York County and ask if the bill is worth more than $2.
In many cases, the answer is no. The main reason is that the US government still prints them.
“They are printed relatively sporadically. They are not printed every year, but when the government feels like it,” Steinmetz said.
But how rare does a $2 bill need to be to sell for thousands of dollars from collectors?
That leads to the serial number.
“I think somebody had the number 1, so it’s like you pick up that bill and you look down and it’s all zeros and there’s a 1 at the end,” Steinmetz said. The banknotes were also new and I don’t think they had ever been used.” This was an unlikely combination, which is why the banknote was worth so much money. ”
Typically, the older these $2 bills are, the more likely they are to be worth more than $2, but not much more, experts say.
“The 1963 and ’53 series have added value, but nothing too crazy,” Steinmetz said. “Regular bills cost $3 to $4 each. If you get a really gorgeous bill, you can spend more. If it’s perfect, you’ll probably get $20 to $30.”
Steinmetz says almost everything that makes a $2 bill worth a lot of money is the same thing that makes any bill worth a lot of money. Either they have unusual serial numbers, different color stickers, or they are simply very old.
“A young gentleman who worked at a local gas station came across the number 8 for $20. So all zeros and the number 8,” he recalled. “It was worth $400, but things like this are very rare.
So, what should you pay attention to in order to actually make money?
Usually more money changes.
“Look for silver,” Steinmetz explained. “It’s the easiest way to find the value of your coin. All of our quarters, dimes, and dimes since 1964 have been made of 90% silver. One silver coin is worth more than five dollars.”
If you want to see if your stash of $2 bills is even more valuable to collectors, check out this link for a breakdown of how much you’ll get.
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