The Greater San Marcos Partnership formally approves the proposed $440 million Hays County road bond package and the $150 million Caldwell County road bond package, which are critical to the region’s future. He claimed it was an investment. At its annual board meeting, GSMP emphasized that upgrades are essential to keep pace with the region’s rapid growth and development, positioning infrastructure enhancements as key to supporting the community’s evolving needs. .
As the region continues to expand, it is important that the region’s infrastructure keeps up with this growth. Improving roads and transport networks increases connectivity, reduces congestion, makes it easier for businesses to operate and residents to access jobs, education and services, and fosters economic development. Strategically focused on major roadways, the bond aligns with current and future resident needs and will attract additional investment into the community.
On Nov. 5, Hays and Caldwell counties will allow voters to decide whether to approve the 2024 road bond program.
The bond’s primary focus is on shovel-ready projects aimed at improving road safety, mobility, and transportation capacity. The plan includes strengthening east-west connections, adding shoulders to existing roads and addressing aging infrastructure.
Hays County’s population is projected to grow by 267% by 2045, making expanding and maintaining transportation networks critical to future sustainability. The bond builds on the success of the 2016 road bond program and aims to leverage additional state and federal funding for local projects.
As Hays County faces unprecedented growth, transportation infrastructure investment decisions will shape the region’s ability to maintain quality of life while fostering economic development.
Caldwell County officials anticipate that a surge in new construction could help stabilize county tax rates if voters approve a proposed road bond in November. The increased taxable property value allows the county to spread the cost of the bond more evenly.
The road bond proposal is part of the county’s Capital Improvement Plan and was developed after extensive consideration of local road conditions, input from engineers and traffic modelers, and public feedback. The plan included community outreach efforts, including two in-person open houses, an online forum, and a survey with more than 2,100 participants. Based on this feedback, the county prioritized projects that address safety, congestion mitigation, equity, and local land use goals.
For more information on Hays County road bond packages, visit hayscountybonds. Com.
For more information on Caldwell County road bond packages, visit caldwellcountybonds. Com.