After a hit-and-run accident that claimed the life of her dog, Milford resident Richard C. Morais established a memorial fund in her name at the Greater Pike Community Foundation to improve pedestrian safety. did. The Maya Milford Memorial Public Safety Fund “undertakes solutions that address the dangers faced by people attempting to cross the borough’s busy streets,” Greater Pike explained.
Mr. Moret is a novelist and financial writer whose family has lived in Milford for four generations. As previously reported, in early September, he was attempting to cross Broad and Ann streets with his two dogs, Maya and Shelly, when a speeding vehicle struck him, required by Pennsylvania law. Failed to stop at a pedestrian crossing. Morais and one of the dogs managed to jump and escape, but Maya, who was protecting the 4-year-old Chihuahua, was run over and killed. The driver did not stop.
This was not the first time Mr Moret had encountered a dangerous situation while walking his dog. “I can’t tell you how many near-death experiences my dog and I had trying to cross the street in Milford,” Morais said. “Every endeavor is a life-and-death game of chicken.”
In addition to establishing the fund on Greater Pike, Morais, along with several other Milford residents, met with Milford Borough Council, the police chief, the mayor and the Milford Enhancement Commission to explore solutions. Ideas being considered include making crosswalks more visible with reflective paint or cat’s eyes, and installing AI-powered cameras to catch violators. Greater Pike’s Maya Milford Memorial Fund can help fund such efforts.
Greater Pike Executive Director Rick Little said: “The Greater Pike Board of Directors and staff are saddened to hear of this tragic and completely preventable incident, and our deepest sympathies go out to Richard and his family. I would like to express my condolences.” “Creating this fund in memory of Maya will help address a growing concern in our community. We are honored to support this effort to make Milford safer for all residents. I think so.”
Greater Pike offers individuals, families and local businesses the opportunity to make a lasting and personal contribution to the community. For more information about starting a fund or donating to an existing fund, contact Little at 570-832-4686 or or visit
Online donations to the Maya Milford Memorial Fund for Public Safety or other funds managed by Greater Pike can be made at