DPA has partnered with an anime production company to launch a two-year campaign to promote financial literacy among Thai youth.
Bangkok, Thailand – The Deposit Protection Authority (DPA) reported that protected deposits in the first half of 2024 reached 16.19 trillion baht, an increase of 0.58% from the end of 2023.
This growth, reaching 93 billion baht, was mainly driven by large depositors with balances of over 10 million baht. These deposits increased by 107.05 billion baht, mainly due to government funds awaiting budget disbursements.
In contrast, deposits of less than 1 million baht fell by 62.72 billion baht, especially among individual savers with savings accounts. Many savers moved their money into higher-yielding investments such as Treasury savings bonds, while others drew down their savings to manage mounting household debt.
Although the overall deposit increase was 93.21 billion baht, only deposits in the 5 million to 10 million baht and 1 million to 5 million baht categories saw an increase. Deposits below 1 million baht were the only category that saw a decline. The number of protected depositors increased by 2.3 million, with most of the increase coming from holding balances of over 1 million baht.
Additionally, DPA partnered with an anime production company to launch a two-year campaign to promote financial literacy among Thai youth. This initiative includes vulnerable populations and provides educational materials in a variety of formats to ensure accessibility for children with visual and hearing impairments. (NNT)