Colorado Hospital Price Finder tool increases price transparency and helps you save money on healthcare costs
Colorado Hospital Price Finder tool increases price transparency and saves money on healthcare costs 00:40
On Tuesday, Gov. Jared Polis and Lieutenant Governor Primavera launched a new tool to help Coloradans save money on health care. Colorado Hospital Price Finder is a nonprofit organization,, dedicated to connecting Colorado residents to services and increasing price transparency.
Polis said the tool complements a state-led price transparency initiative he and the Department of Health Policy and Finance announced earlier this year.
“Saving Coloradans money on health care is a top priority, and to help make health care pricing more competitive and save people money on health care, we are helping to launch this new, free Colorado Hospital Price Finder. We’re excited to have more of these tools online. The more transparency we have, the better for all of us. We will enable healthcare markets to provide low-cost, high-quality healthcare to everyone and provide greater clarity on the true cost of healthcare.”
Polis said in a statement.
This new service is designed to allow anyone in Colorado to explore all the prices available at each hospital and purchase the treatment that best fits their needs. The price search function is available for free. This indicates the total amount that the hospital will bill each payer, but the final amount will vary depending on each person’s insurance plan and coverage.
Governor Jared Polis and Primavera Lieutenant Governor Cynthia Fisher announce Colorado hospital affordability study. CBS
“When all Coloradans receive their medical bills, they can go to the website to compare and see if they were billed properly and accurately,” said Roberts, founder of PatientRightsAdvocate. Chairman Cynthia Fisher said.
Additional information from Governor Polis’ office:
HB22-1285 – “Ban on hospitals with undisclosed price collections,” sponsored by Representatives Patrick Neville and Daneya Esgar, and Senators Dominick Moreno and John Cook, would require hospitals to comply with federal reporting requirements. It prohibited hospitals from taking debt collection measures against patients if they did not. SB23-252 – Health Care Price Transparency, sponsored by Sens. Kevin Van Winkle and Julie Gonzalez, and Reps. Lindsay Daugherty and Anthony Hartstock, would require hospitals to publicly set reimbursement rates. It is required to be made public.
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