Date: Coleraine Supervisors Meeting, October 16th.
What happened: After reviewing numbers in the upcoming budget, the board announced it would increase property taxes in 2025 to help fund emergency services.
Cost: If approved as discussed, the township’s real estate tax would go from 0.518 mill to 0.618 mill. An increase of $0.1 million equates to a $10 tax increase on a property valued at $100,000. This will generate an additional $31,000 for emergency services, for a total of $72,000.
Background: In 2024, the Town budgeted $41,500 for Fire and Emergency Services. The board distributed 75% of emergency services funding to fire companies and the remaining 25% to ambulance companies.
Details: Supervisors directed the commissioner to change the allocation of designated funds to 70% for fire companies and 30% for ambulances. Quarryville and Burt Township fire companies will cover the townships, with Oxford Union Fire Company No. 1 assisting as needed. Primary ambulance services are provided by Lancaster EMS, Christiana Community Ambulance Association, and Union.
What happens next: A preliminary budget was approved by the board on Nov. 4, with final approval expected in December.
Building Renovations: The Town received five bids to renovate the Town Building to add a new meeting room. Bids ranged from $184,400 from 855 Contractors LLC of Flemington, New Jersey, to a high of $286,320 from Donald E. Reisinger Inc. of West Goshen. The board is scheduled to vote on awarding the contract at its Nov. 4 meeting. Funding for the project will come from the town’s remaining $212,000 in American Rescue Plan Act funds. The remaining funds could go toward the $115,000 Morrison Mill Road culvert replacement project.
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