At its Oct. 24 meeting, the RISD Board received an update on 2021 bond projects and spending. Highlights include:
As with all RISD bond packages, the projects and facilities included in Bond 2021 were identified with the help of community members before being considered by RISD voters. Since 1996, RISD has adhered to a five-year warranty cycle, with all warranty packages impacting all learning communities within the district. 97% of the authorized bonds have been sold from 2021 bonds, with the final $25 million expected to be issued in spring 2025. Due to increased construction costs due to the historic pandemic, some of the items anticipated in the 2021 Bonds, primarily maintenance and building infrastructure upgrades, did not occur as planned. It is deferred to future bonds. A major construction project for five schools has been completed, with work currently underway on the final three campuses (Hamilton Park, Northrich & Stults Road). Flooring has been upgraded on all current elementary school campuses, and infrastructure improvements such as roofing, electrical and plumbing work are nearly complete on buildings across the district. RISD attempts to update student and staff teaching and learning devices, such as laptops and iPads, on a five-year cycle, and nearly all devices purchased through Bond 2021 have been issued and are in use. Educational materials, books, new/replacement equipment, and teaching/learning software are provided to all schools. Extensive Career & Technology (CTE) program facility and construction/program upgrades are occurring in middle schools and all high schools. Upgrades to our technology infrastructure, including servers, network equipment, and cybersecurity, are nearly complete. Renovations to physical security, including surveillance cameras, life safety equipment, and safety and security equipment, are almost complete. Play equipment is being replaced on many elementary school campuses. Updates and upgrades to art equipment and the performance venue (HS auditorium) have almost been completed. Updates and upgrades to track and field equipment have almost been completed, including updating the eight grass fields (two for each high school). Updates to school bus fleets, service vehicles and student transportation vehicles.
The final 3 to 4 percent of bond spending will complete projects such as flooring, lighting, electrical updates, educational materials, uniforms, furniture, security equipment, educational technology, and enterprise technology.
RISD continues to make updates to reduce the deferred maintenance that has occurred over the decades through bond spending. RISD also continues to update its buildings to create a more engaging learning environment for students and staff, and continues to fund capital items to facilitate and accommodate the educational experience of our students.
For more information about the Bond 2021 program and projects, please visit
Read the October 24th bond update here.
EDI update
The Trustees also heard a report from the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion department. The report highlighted key initiatives that the department is involved in developing, implementing or delivering. The district embraces a diverse student body and faculty by providing a culturally sensitive environment that fosters success, safety, and respect. EDI programming is aligned with Texas TEKS, RISD’s North Star Goals, and the district’s strategic plan developed by parents, community members, students, teachers, and staff.
If all students, teachers, and leaders are to meet or exceed academic growth goals, districts must continually work to identify and close student achievement and opportunity gaps.
The report included the following information:
A review of the family engagement framework. Campus Pathways to Equity Plan Description and Review. Development and pilot implementation plan for Upstander Partnerships for students based on RISD and state-required character traits and curriculum. Review ongoing initiatives such as Parent University Opportunities and Growth Goals Camps for parents to understand how to support your student’s growth goals.
The presentation also included early results from the recent RISD Parent Engagement Survey, which included more than 4,000 responses across all RISD campuses. Parent responses will be disaggregated and shared with campuses to inform how each campus can best provide parents with meaningful opportunities to engage with their child’s school in a way that fits their schedules and preferences. It is useful.
Watch the October 24th EDI presentation here.