SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – Battlefield landlords may soon have to pay more than their rental property’s water bill.
“Honestly, I thought it was a joke,” Zach Riggs said.
He owns and rents several properties in Battlefield. He recently received a letter from the public water district informing him that he would be charged an additional fee for service to his property.
“As a landlord, I pay a $200 deposit on every property. I’m just confused by the whole situation,” he said.
According to the letter, landlords must now keep all rental property accounts in their own name, not the tenant’s. In addition, property owners must pay a $400 deposit for each home they rent. The reason is that the water district has too many unpaid bills.
“I don’t want to be responsible for fetching water. I don’t want to be responsible for paying them for water. I’m not working for them. That’s their job. It makes more sense. I think what worked for us was to get the landlords on board and come up with a plan that made sense to everyone.I think the City Works initiative is working very well. , let owners pressure tenants to pay their bills,” Riggs said.
A meeting was held Tuesday night to discuss the changes that have already been implemented. Several property owners spoke out against the policy change. Water board leaders chose to regroup and reconsider their position.
“You’re right. I didn’t see it from your perspective. I take the blame for that,” said PWSD #1 Mark Baldwin.
Public Water District officials plan to work with homeowners to find a solution in the near future.
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