BROKEN ARROW, Okla. — The Broken Arrow Police Department (BAPD) held a retirement ceremony for Police Chief Brandon Berryhill on Friday.
FOX23 reported in May that Berryhill announced his retirement after 32 years as a law enforcement officer and will serve until Oct. 31.
FOX23 spoke with Berryhill after the ceremony.
“It was very humbling,” he said. “It was a very nice day.”
Berryhill said he has worked for the city for more than 30 years and has deep ties to Broken Arrow.
“I have a deep connection to this city because I’ve lived in this area my whole life, raised my children here, raised my grandchildren here,” he said.
Berryhill said support from the citizens of Broken Arrow has led to the police department’s success. He said that would attract good candidates to become the next police chief.
“Every police department requires collaboration with residents, but this location is special and that will attract very good candidates,” he said.
Berryhill said the close connection between police and citizens is what keeps the city safe.
“I feel like we did our best to help people connect and bring police and citizens closer together, because that relationship is what keeps our city safe,” he said.
Berryhill has started as an assistant professor of criminal justice in the College of Extended Learning on Northeastern State University’s (NSU) Broken Arrow campus. He will begin work on November 1st.