The 45-year-old woman is a single mother of two children, 18-year-old daughter Ella and 16-year-old son Jake.
Sadly, her husband died when her children were young, and she worked hard to support them both financially and emotionally alone.
“My husband left me a life insurance policy, so I saved some of that money for my college education,” she said.
Her daughter also dreamed of attending a prestigious university from an early age. So she spent years talking to her children about the importance of learning, and told both Ella and Jake that the fund she was building was specifically for their education.
“They couldn’t afford luxuries like vacations or new cars, but I wanted to make sure they didn’t have to worry about student loans,” she recalls.
Now, Ella has a new boyfriend named Matt, so her relationship with her daughter is very strained.
Ella and Matt started dating a few months ago, but it felt like their daughter’s personality had completely changed since then.
Suddenly, Ella becomes rude and aloof, ignoring almost everything she says. She is also accused of “suffocating” Ella and “treating her like a child.”
She tried to give her daughter some space and leave the matter alone for a while. But during a pretty nasty argument last week, she reached a breaking point.
LIGHTFIELD STUDIOS – – For illustrative purposes only, not real people
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