A town in Massachusetts took action after discovering someone had been projecting political ads onto town property.
Below is a statement from Hanson Town Administrator Lisa Green.
“On Friday, October 11th, the Town of Hanson became aware that residents were projecting images of political signs from their property onto the Town of Hanson water tower located at 228 High Street. The public is misled into thinking that this activity is “sanctioned or condoned” by the town.
As a government agency, the Town of Hanson does not endorse candidates for any office of any political party and does not permit political signs to be posted on City property.
The Town of Hanson’s sign ordinance, which can be viewed here, includes language that makes this individual’s actions a violation of the town’s ordinance. The town is working on a cease and desist order to present to residents.
The town plans to impose fines of up to $100 per day until the activity is halted.
Highway Department officials set up spotlights to shine on the water tower and darken the reflection. Further measures are currently being considered.
This person’s actions could cost taxpayers a lot of money, including attorney fees, overtime pay for the Highway Department employees who turn the spotlights on and off each day, and the possibility of having to rent or purchase more powerful lighting equipment. There is. A $100 per day fine may not cover these costs.
The Town of Hanson respects the right of all residents to free speech and the right of all residents to express their political views, but the Town of Hanson respects the right of all residents to express their political views. Expression in a manner that would give the impression that there is a violation is prohibited. ”
The resident’s name has not been released.