The board deals with financial matters
Published on Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 9:15am
Photo by Angela Cutler/Lincoln County County Administrator Daniel Calcote.
BROOKHAVEN — The Lincoln County Board of Supervisors addressed several financial needs Monday morning. The Board of Directors holds regular meetings twice a month, on the first and third Monday of the month, unless there is a holiday or otherwise specified.
The Board of Directors also holds minutes meetings between these meetings.
Lincoln County Engineer Ryan Holmes asked the board to approve a $29,980.10 payment to Paul Jackson and son for the Lincoln County Courthouse HVAC project. This payment is only a small portion of the $3 million project.
“We’ll give you more information about the start date in November. We’d like to take a look at the equipment before we start. It’s still a moving target, but it’s trending towards November,” Holmes said. he said. “The key is to get the spring done before it gets too hot.”
Lincoln County Governor Daniel Calcote took care of some financial matters, although he did not have a financial report to submit. One of the first requests was for a remittance for the state auditor to fix a few things to close out the 2024 fiscal year.
Calcote explained that several funds were in the red at the end of the year. The E911 fund was $179,980 short at the end of the year. Calcote explained that the funding shortfall will continue until the county can get more funding from the phone company. Supervisors voted to transfer $179,980 from the general fund to the E911 fund.
“We budgeted a little more this year, but it is difficult to keep the E911 fund afloat,” Calcote said. “I can’t get money from the phone company like I used to.”
Calcote said the sheriff’s office’s criminal forfeiture account went a little negative but is now back to zero. This measure ended fiscal year 2024.
Supervisors voted to transfer the funds that were scheduled to be transferred in fiscal year 2025. Calcote said the money will come from the general fund, with $465,000 going to the Civic Center and $440,000 going to E911 dispatch.