When you are considering investing in mutual funds, there are various factors in mind that can influence your choice. These include scheme category, fund house reputation, fund size, etc. However, what determines the success or failure of this system is the past performance brought about by the system.
We have shortlisted the best performing mutual fund schemes in the flexicap category based on their performance over the past 10 years. We found that there are around 10 mutual fund schemes that have returned more than 15% per annum in the last 10 years.
This means that if someone invested Rs 100,000 in any of these schemes, the amount would have now ballooned to more than Rs 4.04 lakh (based on 15% return). For those unfamiliar, a Flexi Cap scheme is an open-ended dynamic equity scheme that requires you to invest a minimum of 65 per cent in large-cap, mid-cap and small-cap stocks and equity-related instruments.
This category was announced some time ago through a Sebi circular dated November 6, 2020. There are 39 schemes in this category with total assets under management (AUM) of Rs 4,290 crore, which is the next highest among equity-oriented funds. Sectoral/thematic funds with total assets under management of 4,449 million rupees.
According to AMFI data as of August 31, 2024, there are over 1.56 billion folios in this category of mutual funds.
Since the launch of this category in November 2020, mutual fund companies have also been given the option to convert their existing schemes into flexi-cap funds. Therefore, the following scheme should be a converted scheme with the 10-year rate of return listed below.
(Source: AMFI; returns as of October 4, 2024)
As can be seen from the table above, the top performing schemes included Quant Flexi Cap Fund (21.17%), Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund (18.44%) and JM Flexicap Fund (18.5%). Ta.
Based on asset size, the largest schemes are Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund and HDFC Flexi Cap Fund. On the other hand, it is important for individual investors to be aware that a mutual fund’s past performance does not guarantee future results.
In other words, the past performance of a mutual fund scheme may or may not continue in the near future. Therefore, we recommend that you consider other factors before making your final decision.
Note: This story is for informational purposes only. Please consult a SEBI registered investment advisor before taking any investment related decisions.