The Perryville Police Department is investigating a defaced political sign on private property that opposes Amendment 3, which if passed would end Missouri’s abortion ban.
The sign at 318 Laura Street had been discolored with red spray paint, and although the message was still legible, it was abundantly clear that the vandals did not agree with the views expressed.
Property owner Pam Muench, a member of the Perry County Republican Central Committee, reported the vandalism to police on Oct. 22. Muench said that when she asked the Republican Committee whether the sign should be replaced, the police department said: he said. That way you’ll get more attention. ”
At that time, Munch received a phone call from the police.
“One of the officers wanted to know who did it, so he reported it and we’re currently investigating,” she said. “Politics can get really dirty. It turns people from friends to enemies. It’s just a bad deal and it’s sad that it has to happen that way.”
Jerry Cain of the Perryville Police Department is also investigating the theft of a political sign by a group of juveniles on October 11, according to the corporal. They are expected to be charged with vandalizing, stealing and vandalizing political signs.
According to Missouri state law, a person convicted of a fourth-degree election violation, a misdemeanor, can be sentenced to up to one year in prison, a fine of up to $2,500, or both.