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Former President Donald Trump’s Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and her family joined Elon Musk’s super PAC, even though Musk resigned from the administration on January 6 in protest of his actions. I invested money.
DeVos is the second Cabinet member to resign in the wake of President Trump’s actions and the riot at the U.S. Capitol.
“There is no doubt that your rhetoric influenced the situation, and that is the turning point for me,” she wrote in her resignation letter at the time. “Sensitive children are watching all of this and learning from us.”
But a report from the Federal Election Commission of America PAC, a pro-Trump super PAC run by Tesla and SpaceX executives, said DeVos donated $250,000 to the commission. The most recent FEC summary covered the period October 1-16.
Musk became one of the former president’s most outspoken supporters. Over the weekend, he hosted a town hall in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Recently, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner has also come under fire for filing a lawsuit against X/Twitter executives for donating $1 million to voters in Pennsylvania. Musk also joined Trump at a rally at Madison Square Garden on Sunday.
According to the latest report, Musk poured $11 million into super PACs, bringing his total donations to $118.5 million. This does not include Musk’s other Future Coalition PAC.
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DeVos is a longtime critic of public schools and a supporter of charter schools and school vouchers, which divert public education funding to private schools. She has previously advocated for abolishing the Department of Education.
She recently told The Detroit News earlier this year that she would work again in the Trump administration “only if there is a goal of phasing out the Department of Education, as we tried to do through the budget process in the first administration.” He said he intended to do so.
The DeVos family, including DeVos’ husband Richard “Dick” DeVos, has poured money into elections for years.
The former secretary is not the only member of her family to contribute to PAC. Her brother-in-law, Doug DeVos, co-chairman of Amway, the company where the family made its fortune, also donated $250,000, as did his wife, Maria DeVos. His brother-in-law, Dan DeVos, chairman of the NBA team Orlando Magic, and his wife, Pam, both donated $250,000.