When: Strasburg Twp. Supervisors Meeting, October 7th. Supervisor Peggy Diarolf was absent.
Public hearing: Supervisors have filed a conditional use application allowing John Fisher of Strasburg Real Estate LLC to move two Bird in Hand manufacturing companies to 260 N. Star Road in the industrial district. Approved 2-0.
Background: In March, supervisors rezoned the site from Gateway North to Industrial, with the understanding that improvements to the site would be consistent with Gateway North’s architectural requirements. In the Gateway North Zone, buildings must conform to the historic character of the Strasburg Borough.
Details: The 3.75-acre vacant lot will be home to custom agricultural contractor Precise Buildings and wood door manufacturer Beechdale Woodworks. The township’s zoning ordinance requires a conditional use public hearing for manufacturing operations on lots larger than two acres within an industrial zone.
Addressing potential impacts: Fisher employs about 28 people, he said. 10 people are permanently stationed in the office, 5 or 6 people are stationed in the woodwork shop, and the rest leave the site in the morning to go to the site and return in the evening. Two to three tractor trailers are expected to be unloading supplies and loading product each week.
BUSINESS MEETING: Supervisors and representatives of Sight and Sound Theater discussed a proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance that would allow film production by rights within the highway commercial zone. This amendment applies only to properties within an area larger than 10 acres. At this time, only Sight and Sound and Hershey Farm Resort meet the requirements.
Background: Following the success of the 2022 film dramatizing the life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Sight and Sound owners want to make film production a permanent part of their business in town . This month’s discussion focused on concerns raised in a letter by town attorney Josele Cleary.
Concerns: Mr. Cleary and supervisors expressed concerns about building permits and impermeable surface regulations, and Sight and Sound’s efforts to circumvent the standard permitting process for each new movie set construction. and the possibility of building a sound stage.
Discussion: Zoning Officer Mark Daimler agreed that streamlining the regulations may be possible.
Quote: “I don’t think it makes sense to issue permits just to build these facades. That’s just my feeling from an enforcement standpoint,” Daimler said.
Details: Daimler and Vice Chairman Mike Weaver questioned the big-box store-like soundstages the town is trying to limit construction of.
What’s next? The regulators didn’t vote, but Chairman Tom Willig suggested theaters respond to Cleary’s letter, develop proposals and “continue the conversation.”
In other business: Supervisors approved a stormwater management agreement with the Pennsylvania Railroad Museum before proposing construction of a new roundhouse for locomotive storage. They also voted in favor of a $150,000 grant to Lefton Fire Company to purchase a 1999 Pierce Quantum tanker truck from an upstate New York fire company.
What’s next: The next Board of Supervisors meeting will be held Nov. 4 at 7:30 p.m.
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