RENO, Nev. (COLO) – Feeding your family properly continues to be a concern for many in our community.
“You can’t perform at your best in school if you’re hungry. It’s just a human desire to recover if possible,” said Washoe County School District Chief Operating Officer Adam Searcy.
But new federal funding is poised to alleviate this problem.
Searcy made sure to attend Monday’s meeting within the Sparks Christian Fellowship to discuss the issue, and was joined on behalf of the federal government by Cindy Long, deputy assistant secretary of the Department of Agriculture.
“We’ve invested billions of dollars over the last few years,” Long said. “We recently had a $1.7 billion investment.”
The announcement was made on October 1, and $1.2 billion of the money will be earmarked to support schools, child care facilities, food banks and other facilities across the country.
“Each state has some flexibility in how they use these funds,” Long said. “But what we’re doing here in Nevada is that the state is working with Nevada producers to buy food, get it to schools, and now to child care facilities.”
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