ATHENS, W.Va. (WVVA) – Improvements are underway for “The Campus Beautiful,” but to make the vision a reality, Concord University is enlisting the help of alumni and the community with a new fundraising campaign. was released in 2019. Saturday.
Alumni who attended Homecoming were the first to witness the announcement of a new campaign that will fund a series of improvements across campus. “CU Ascend” is the first formal fundraising campaign held at the university in several years…established to maintain Concord University’s reputation for excellence…identify needed improvements A committee was established for this purpose.
“…we knew that students who come to consider Concord as a potential college location often have better science labs in public schools. And we came back to the meeting that afternoon and said, “This has to be a top priority,” said Rosemary Carlucci, CU Ascend Campaign Steering Committee Chair. Goss says.
CU Ascend has four main areas of focus: facility updates, scholarships, academic excellence and faculty development, and the Concord Endowment to meet a variety of needs.
Concord University President Kendra Boggess said 41 percent of students currently graduate debt-free, and that number is set to grow.
“…some students have to leave school because their car breaks down. We never want that to happen, so we have a lot of funding to help with that, but we want to be able to do more.” We don’t want students to leave school with debt,” Boggess said.
CU Ascend’s funding goal is $12 million, and $9 million has already been raised. Those we spoke to agreed that while this number may seem large, they are expected to not only meet but exceed it to continue to promote excellence in the region. He said he was there.
Rosemary Carlucci Goss called Concord College a “major part” of the local economy and encouraged alumni to give back to the university that helped get it to where it is today, while also encouraging the community We encourage society and business leaders to do the same.
Click here for more information, including how to contribute.
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