DEC wants to remind property owners to make sure their fuel tanks are sealed and safe for the winter.
NEW YORK — The temperature outside is starting to drop and the heating system is turned on. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) would like to remind property owners to make sure their tanks are safe for the winter.
DEC emphasized the importance of checking for leaks and spills before receiving shipments of fuel oil.
The list below includes things you should be aware of to protect your property, health, and environment.
For above ground heating fuel oil storage tanks, look below.
Tank legs that are bent, rusted, or wobbly, or tanks that sit on unstable foundations, oil filters or valves that have signs of rust, weeping, wet spots, or many dents on the surface of the tank. There are signs of drips or leaks around the fuel oil line, even if it is under concrete, covered with a protective case; overhanging eaves where snow or ice can fall into the tank; Dirt on the ground or a strong oil odor around the tank; browning, wilting, or loss of vegetation around the tank; quiet overfilling whistle while filling the tank – contact your fuel delivery person. The tank vent is completely or partially blocked by snow, ice, or insect nests. There are signs of spillage around the fill or vent pipes. Incorrectly sized vent pipe – contact your fuel delivery person. A cracked, stuck, or frozen fuel level gauge or evidence of fuel around it.
For underground heating fuel oil storage tanks, look below.
There is water in the tank – check with your fuel delivery person. Oil or oil sheen in the basement sump or French drain. There is a quiet overfilling sound while filling the tank – check with the fuel delivery person. The tank vent is completely or partially clogged with snow, ice, or snow. Insect nests; signs of spills around fill or vent pipes; strange tastes or odors in well water; complaints from neighbors about fuel oil odors; using more fuel than usual.
If a fuel oil spill or leak occurs, please contact the DEC Spill Hotline at 1-800-457-7362.
Natural gas buildup in the home is also a concern. May cause an explosion. DEC recommends installing methane detection alarms in enclosed spaces where methane can accumulate. They also say that adding mercaptans, which are odorants, to natural gas may allow for better detection of buildup.
“Planning ahead for the winter season will help New Yorkers save time, money, and potential heating headaches later on,” said DEC Interim Director Sean Mahar. Probably.” “Annual inspections and other simple precautions can help prevent leaks and spills and ensure the protection of people, property, and the environment.”
For more information, please visit the DEC website.