It was all fun and games at the Sterling Community Foundation’s “Game On!” Event on Saturday, October 5th.
The event, held at the Logan County Fairgrounds exhibit center, attracted about 500 people and 51 paying sponsors, said John Chapdelaine of the Eastern Colorado Community Foundation, which manages the Sterling Community Foundation. That’s what it means.
“We are excited about the support the community has given us,” Chapdelaine said.
Guests received $500 in vouchers for play money to use on casino games set up on the east side of the venue, with the option to buy more if their luck ran out. Game winnings can be redeemed for a chance in a prize basket of your choice. There were dozens of baskets featuring donated goods and services from local businesses, and each guest was given a ticket upon entry to be entered into a drawing for their favorite basket.
The casino games, which include craps, roulette, and blackjack, were founded by Peet’s alumnus Ron Schumacher and his company, All-In Casino.
The night also featured live music, catering provided by River City Grill, a live auction and cash call, and a cornhole game. The night’s emcee, Jordan Souter, also performed a song he composed using the poem “Home” submitted by Merino student Kaia Piel in response to the “Show Your Love for Logan County” project.
The auction, conducted by John Colley, featured eight items, many of which were one-of-a-kind. A large painting by local artist Nate Rayborn titled “Clint, American Cowboy” has sold for a record $5,000. The evening also featured a side-by-side reverse raffle organized by the Stirling Rotary Club to benefit the Stirling Community Foundation. Fred Crawford received the award.
At the event, Souter noted the foundation’s past contributions to the community, including support for Heritage Park in downtown Sterling. He said the next project they plan to fund is the city’s trail system, which aims to connect all of Sterling’s schools.
Chapdelaine said net fundraising efforts totaled about $175,000, and the fund currently stands at $3.2 million. As an endowment fund under the Community Foundation of Northern Colorado, the board can spend up to 4.5% on community projects each year. This will ensure that the fund continues to exist and truly becomes an “eternal fund,” he said.
Mr. Chapdelaine gave a special thanks to the event committee who spent so much time and energy planning the evening. Serving on the committee with Chapdelaine were Lindsay King, Joanne Gilliland, Caitlin Basegio, Jordan Suter, Cindy Horner and Cindy Hall.