Fairview Capital Partners is a 30-year-old, black-owned, $1 billion investment firm. Joanne Price and Lawrence Morse co-founded Fairview and turned the company into a $10.8 billion private equity and venture capital fund.
Founded in September 1994, Price & Mors has increased the firm’s capital through co-investments, venture capitalists and a diverse range of emerging executives, P&I notes.
Ms. Price approached Ms. Morse and asked her to collaborate on her vision, and the rest is history. They initially approached public pension funds.
“We had to be satisfied with mostly no or ‘That sounds good, but I don’t think we’ll be successful with something like this,'” Price said. Morse added, “We just knew we were going to be successful eventually. The only question was, could we stay alive long enough to realize that success?” ” he added.
Thirty years later, the company has 25 employees and has survived an economic crisis, a pandemic and racial injustice in 2020 following the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. . The company was “a door open to everyone.”
“We’ve always felt comfortable talking clearly about who we are, what we do, and how we do it successfully,” Price added. “And that’s really important for a company like ours.”
Research from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation shows that the investment performance of diverse companies has historically been undervalued, even though it is comparable to that of less diverse companies. People in the global community manage only 1.4% of the $82 trillion wealth management industry. Friends.
Fairview has received various pension fund commitments over the years, including the $3.7 billion Dallas City Employees Retirement Fund, the $33 billion Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension Fund, and the $267.7 billion New Pension Fund, according to P&I. Milestones have been achieved. York County Common Retirement Fund.
In addition to retirement benefits, Fairview also receives support from philanthropists and donations from organizations such as the Ford Foundation.
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